The Department of Transport has announced that this year’s updates will include rules for those with self-autonomous cars despite the fact there are currently no autonomous cars currently allowed to drive on UK roads.
It has been declared that drivers will be able to watch TV whilst the vehicle is driving but will bizarrely still be unable to use their phones.
The guidelines will also specify when a driver must regain control of the vehicle, such as when approaching exit ramps, and will state that drivers will not be held liable for accidents caused by the technology. Instead, insurance firms will be responsible for handling damage and injury claims.
In April of last year, the government stated that hands-free driving in vehicles equipped with lane-keeping technology would be permitted on congested highways.
Automated lane-keeping system technology allows a vehicle to travel up to 37 mph in a single lane while maintaining the ability to return control to the driver when necessary.
The rules will dictate who is legally liable if a car with self-driving equipment is involved in a collision. The government claims it is striving to finalise legal and regulatory frameworks that will allow autonomous vehicles to be widely used by 2025.
Whilst we currently can’t provide you with a self-driving vehicle, we do have plenty of vehicles available for short-term leases. Please contact us today by calling 03330 443322 or emailing alternatively you can fill out our online form.